Wands and Women
Wands for Freyja-mixed media, various lengths from 1.2 metres
Wands for Freyja-detail
Distaff-mixed media
‘Ladies for the Afterlife’ (Shabti)
embroidered cloth female figures, 1940’s vacuum cleaner box.
(76 x 36 x 40 cm)
‘Matronae’ (three ages of woman)
embroidered felt female forms
50 x 60 x 29 cm
‘Face masks and body wraps’
Barbie dolls, cloth, masks, gold paint, butterfly display box
40 x 50 x 8 cm
‘Women’s work is never done…’
completed and partially completed knitted ‘Venus’ figures, vitrine with drawer
72 x 40 x 25 cm
Venus Box
clay, bird skulls, wood, iris root, doll’s head
Skirt Lifters
cloth, felt, human hair dreadlocks (inspired by Hekenu and Iti, famous Khener performers of Ancient Egypt) £950 the pair
Three Sheelas
felt and wool